Webinar 22/04

Customize your setup with the Blueye SDK and API

Date Thursday, April 22, 2021
Time 10:00 AM CET (UTC+01:00)
Duration 00:45 h
Customize your setup with the Blueye SDK and API
English Language


Andreas Viggen
Andreas Viggen
Senior Software Engineer


Nadir Kapetanović
Nadir Kapetanović
MSc Researcher LABUST - University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Customize your setup with the Blueye SDK and API

Our drones are normally controlled by the Blueye app running on either iOS or Android devices. However, some of our customers have unique use-cases where they want to control the drones with their own software. Therefore, we have developed the Blueye SDK — a python library that allows you to control the drone programmatically within minutes.

In this webinar, our Senior Software Engineer Andreas Viggen, and Nadir Kapetanović (MSc Researcher LABUST, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing) will show you how to get started with the SDK. Andreas will also present some stories from our customers who have utilized the SDK for controlling multiple drones simultaneously and others that have improved their post-processing sequence of the media and log files via the API.

Interested in learning all the different ways to utilize the Blueye SDK? Reserve your seat and join the live discussion!

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Customize your setup with the Blueye SDK and API