Join our live in-water demos with a Blueye ROV expert

Friday, January 12, 2024 / The Blueye Office

Blueye is committed to providing customers with frictionless access to underwater assets! And we are here to show you the practical side of our ROVs. Understanding the impact of first impressions, we prioritize engaging online demonstrations for those interested in exploring the capabilities of Blueye ROVs.

We arrange online ROV demonstrations for those interested - allowing for a firsthand experience of the drone's capabilities. Together with one of our drone experts, you and your team have the opportunity to witness the Blueye ROV in action in a Teams or Zoom meeting!

Live footage streamed through Microsft teams.

Together with one of our drone experts, you and your team have the opportunity to witness the Blueye ROV in action. The live footage will be seamlessly streamed through streaming services like Microsoft Teams or Zoom meeting allowing for a firsthand view of the drone's capabilities. During this meeting, we will discuss the inspection requirements and how our ROVs can smartly cover your needs. It's important to note that this meeting comes with no obligations, providing you with the flexibility to explore and gather information about the Blueye ROVs from anywhere around the world.

Inspection demo from Blueye Shore Lab streamed through Microsoft Teams.
Inspection demo from Blueye Shore Lab streamed through Microsoft Teams.
High Capacity battery swap
Trond Larsen doing live in-water demo session.

The inspection demo works in 3 simple steps.

  1. Invitation: Start your journey with a personal invite to see the Blueye ROV live in action from Trondheimsfjord.

  2. Live Demo: Our ROV experts will stream the live footage through selected streaming services. Many people can join the streaming session.

  3. Dive Report: After the demo, our ROV expert can provide a dive report via the Blueye app, as documentation of the dive and any findings.

What are the benefits of attending the live demo?

  • Real-time Experience: Throughout the demonstration, individuals gain firsthand, real-time experience with the Blueye ROVs. In the span of 30 minutes, you can see the drone in action, tailored to your specific use cases. This session frequently addresses inquiries and resolves concerns related to underwater drones or ROV functionalities. We have had lot of demos where people were seeing ROVs diving underwater for the very first time!
Photo of Blueye X3 inspecting the car dumped underwater in an online demonstration.
  • Building trust: We have seen that trust factor increases when people become our customers, especially after the live demos. It becomes easier for customers to reach out in case of any issues. There are no editing tricks in a live demo, what you see is the real thing.

It is so nice see the drone in real-time and and have the power to direct the operator towards exactly what we want to see.
- ROV enthusiast, about live demonstration

  • Customization: Live demos can be tailored to address your specific needs and concerns. It gives us a chance to understand your use case and give the right solution. For example, suggesting a suitable integration of extra equipment/peripherals on the X3 ROV based on the intended usecase.

  • Time efficiency: Live demos can be more time-efficient than extensive written documentation or lengthy presentations. Our demos are designed to be quick and convenient, letting you log in from anywhere globally without travel hassles.

  • Full Process Experience : During our live demonstration, you get to see the whole process right from deploying the drone in water, diving in clear/murky waters, to retrieval. We make a point to show reporting feature and post processing steps like file transfer.

Blueye Shore Lab – Exclusively for inspection demos

Demo at Blueye Shore Lab

Having an office near to Trondheimsfjord has been an advantage for us, especially for quick testing of our ROVs and integrations in a real scenario. We also have Blueye Shore Lab, top notch space on Dora II’s waterfront dedicated to doing inspection demos. It comes with modern amenities like 5G Wi-Fi, a wall mounted TV, a workspace, and a lovely harbor view. This place is perfect for testing equipment as it’s easy to access water from there. It’s also possible to rent the space. Read about renting Shore Lab here.

Frictionless customer journey

One of the Blueye customers, Norwegian Coast Guard with X3 ROV with in one of the Coast Guards vessels at Svalbard. Photo: The Norwegian Coast Guard

You should be able to work frictionless from start to end; From purchasing to handling to maintaining. That is why we put all our efforts into every step of the customer's journey so that you can get the best ROV on the market. Complete the form to get in touch to schedule your meeting for an online demo. Please provide any preferences to time zones or dates, and someone from our team will be in touch to find a suitable time.

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